Tuesday, July 31, 2007

勁開心呀~~WordPress 開通!!

:sisis: Yeahhh,終於搞掂左個WordPress, 心情勁靚,除左未加返哂D comment icon 之外呢,其它都OK 喇 :002: 好有成功感呀~~~ :010:

仲幫成半年冇換過衫o既金金換左套超靚o既 牛仔吊帶裙 :004:

blythesetjul07-2007-07-31-18-27.jpgblythesetjul07b-2007-07-31-18-27.jpgso cute  :003:blythesetjul07c-2007-07-31-18-27.jpg


由生完Heilam兩個月 我就開始整返手甲,一來貪靚,二來就係o係大陸成日有黑色French邊,真係失禮死人呀 :002:

結果上個月返返去Nail collection 用左$1200 + 1.5 hour 整左手和腳,很滿意呢 :003:

上個月返到HK, 因為奶奶去左美國,冇人睇住Heilam 我唔夠膽走去整屎 甲.............結果我D腳甲長到就黎抓住個地甘返左大陸.... :001: ...... 頂唔順之下就叫靚姑姐幫我揾左全石龍最好o既美甲店,買左一套新工具整(我怕D 大 6 人dirty 有灰甲) 我同Tracy 兩個一齊去整, 整左手和腳仲按埋腳 三個人招乎我,兩個人招乎Tracy,衹係730蚊!!!!!!手工又好!!!,超平!!!!!!!!!!!! ,不過由12:30 坐到5:30(係訓係到做) 真係慢到爆!!!!!!!!! :015: 如果有大把時間去訓個晏覺都OK :-_-=: 下次返HK 做好D........

My Nail :004:


Tracy Nail :004:


cost $160 仲有VIP 20% off = $128 :012: 平到你驚 :002:  :005: 


um...........wordpress..........好多野玩,不過仲未搞掂個Interface.............煩呀 :sad:

哩兩日都掛住wordpress, 冇做過野tim...... :-_-=:

再係甘就比老細炒尤魚喇 :002:

Monday, July 30, 2007

Swim Swim Swim

其實set up 個 wordpress 好快,不過呢,D Plugins 煩到爆.............都係打返篇日記援和下先



awimawim-baby-2007-07-30-15-12.jpg兩母女裝好 身就準備出法~~


甘睇Heilam 好似好大個女甘















awimawim-baby10-2007-07-30-15-12.jpg謝謝大家送比Heilam 同埋 我o既 禮物



仲未fix D avatar .............救命

bear_030-2007-07-30-13-46.gif尋晚整到3AM................ 仲未fix D avatar .............救命呀~~~~


5_20.thumbnail-2007-07-30-00-37.gif WordPress 勁掂!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, July 29, 2007

有493 個Blog Entry 勁Boom!!!

  1. Importing post 祝我生日快樂之,小傻娟快要做人老婆了...
  2. Importing post 九年免費扣肉...
  3. Importing post 古力高買....
  4. Importing post 遲來的扣肉禮物...
  5. Importing post 在上海焦雙呢.......
  6. Importing post 海浪公園豉油行...
  7. Importing post B聚...
  8. Importing post 風箏與瘋...
  9. Importing post 9年零1個月...
  10. Importing post 日遊第一天...
  11. Importing post 在日本第二天...
  12. Importing post 不会打字的女人...
  13. Importing post 路易士包包包...
  14. Importing post 沙灘DAY ...
  15. Importing post 古力盟友 take 1...
  16. Importing post 又返大陸喇...
  17. Importing post 生日前3天...
  18. Importing post 生日前2日...
  19. Importing post 生日前一天的生日爬地...
  20. Importing post Zakka...
  21. Importing post 4粒金沙日本豬旅(一)...
  22. Importing post 4粒金沙日本豬旅(二)...
  23. Importing post 手作之 teddy ...
  24. Importing post APM>豬展 *o* ...
  25. Importing post 床單...
  26. Importing post 綉花...
  27. Importing post 送機...
  28. Importing post 開P...
  29. Importing post 顧修全...
  30. Importing post 屈金香...
  31. Importing post SYSYSY+TCTCTC...
  32. Importing post 路寶治的世界...
  33. Importing post 廢城!!!...
  34. Importing post 莊尼和仁仔的生日...
  35. Importing post TSUMORI CHISATO...
  36. Importing post SUKI...
  37. Importing post Happy Ber Day...
  38. Importing post Giordano Ladies...
  39. Importing post 903...
  40. Importing post 五個怪癖......
  41. Importing post make nail Nail ...
  42. Importing post Sim and 阻住...
  43. Importing post TC---手物...
  44. Importing post 拜拜喇yaplog...
  45. Importing post 冇mood... (2 comments)
  46. Importing post 迪住泥........ (5 comments)
  47. Importing post 鐵人耐力賽...
  48. Importing post 可愛的小fans...I miss U...
  49. Importing post 大放血........ (2 comments)
  50. Importing post TrackBacks... (1 comments)
  51. Importing post ....-_-"... (2 comments)
  52. Importing post 14號... (2 comments)
  53. Importing post 聯歡晚會....... (7 comments)
  54. Importing post 輸光光大比拼.....
  55. Importing post 做節... (2 comments)
  56. Importing post 喪買手袋... (2 comments)
  57. Importing post EKA's Last Day... (2 comments)
  58. Importing post Just Got a E-mail from BBKA today... (2 comments)
  59. Importing post Hysteric Mini EXBI... (15 comments)
  60. Importing post 勁爆頭痛...
  61. Importing post Tommy February Blythe...
  62. Importing post 又停電了... (5 comments)
  63. Importing post 執房... (6 comments)
  64. Importing post 神話... (5 comments)
  65. Importing post I-K-E-A...
  66. Importing post 口少大鑊... (13 comments)
  67. Importing post 肉哩咕嚕... (2 comments)
  68. Importing post 家計會....... (5 comments)
  69. Importing post 2006年運程... (2 comments)
  70. Importing post Strawberry Shortcake... (4 comments)
  71. Importing post 秋天到了...
  72. Importing post B聚... (2 comments)
  73. Importing post 精彩... (6 comments)
  74. Importing post new hair style... (7 comments)
  75. Importing post A old photo...Old Design...
  76. Importing post SYBSMB... (5 comments)
  77. Importing post Kissing A Fool...
  78. Importing post bad...day......
  79. Importing post Zara...
  80. Importing post sy...
  81. Importing post bbka...
  82. Importing post Zara belt...
  83. Importing post 佢係肥B... (14 comments)
  84. Importing post Norah Jones... (4 comments)
  85. Importing post BUZZZZZZZZYYYY... (1 comments)
  86. Importing post 冇停手... (1 comments)
  87. Importing post Fool...
  88. Importing post Fool--DAY----1... (4 comments)
  89. Importing post JP Fool DAY---2(落雨-_-")... (8 comments)
  90. Importing post JP Fool DAY---3 (shopping day)... (7 comments)
  91. Importing post JP Fool DAY---4 Zhopping... (7 comments)
  92. Importing post JP Fool DAY---5 Gathering w/frnzzzz... (3 comments)
  93. Importing post JP Fool DAY---6 BIG DAY !!!!!!!... (12 comments)
  94. Importing post JP Fool DAY---7 we are Back... (7 comments)
  95. Importing post 香噴噴...
  96. Importing post 公起晒顏先生... (3 comments)
  97. Importing post Dinner with Family 執屋~~...
  98. Importing post 超級掛字你...
  99. Importing post 我要做阿太...
  100. Importing post 返來喇~~...
  101. Importing post Lunch With JC...
  102. Importing post BBQ...
  103. Importing post Shopping with SY...
  104. Importing post Key to my Heart 唔係好準姐...
  105. Importing post 秋天~~ YEAHHHHH... (10 comments)
  106. Importing post 忙住玩... (3 comments)
  107. Importing post 入貨...
  108. Importing post Anna Sui... (3 comments)
  109. Importing post 新玩具!!!到左喇~~... (2 comments)
  110. Importing post Friend 地~~~... (16 comments)
  111. Importing post 塊魂... (3 comments)
  112. Importing post 聰明的女人讓男人死心塌地的絕招... (1 comments)
  113. Importing post BBQ...
  114. Importing post Hello Di Di 's Birthday... (2 comments)
  115. Importing post Diary and Address Book... (4 comments)
  116. Importing post new sofa... (1 comments)
  117. Importing post 電話壞左...
  118. Importing post 織織復織織織織織織... (4 comments)
  119. Importing post 勁冇心機做野...
  120. Importing post Dear Girl Please read it......... (1 comments)
  121. Importing post Wellcome to HK... (2 comments)
  122. Importing post Skin care and make Up... (9 comments)
  123. Importing post melo melo... (12 comments)
  124. Importing post nail... (13 comments)
  125. Importing post Please Kill me...-_-"... (3 comments)
  126. Importing post Woman's gathering... (6 comments)
  127. Importing post 理想伴侶的8個條件 :... (3 comments)
  128. Importing post Shopping with mom... (3 comments)
  129. Importing post Chi 住媽咪.......
  130. Importing post 執到了...
  131. Importing post YEAHHHH BB come back la..... (15 comments)
  132. Importing post 索拉奇藝坊...
  133. Importing post 10 年零l個月... (1 comments)
  134. Importing post 對不起晚餐...
  135. Importing post 很想買..>_<....... (7 comments)
  136. Importing post Hubby's grand mom's BD...
  137. Importing post 澳門賽門之旅 Day 1...
  138. Importing post back from Macau...
  139. Importing post DisneylanD Hong Kong... (7 comments)
  140. Importing post Shopping with SUki... (2 comments)
  141. Importing post Mo Mo.......
  142. Importing post TAG from QQ... (2 comments)
  143. Importing post JOE's Big DAY... (4 comments)
  144. Importing post 公主game...
  145. Importing post 努力補補補日記... (8 comments)
  146. Importing post 返大6...
  147. Importing post 表弟結婚喇~~... (2 comments)
  148. Importing post 改左版...
  149. Importing post CWB shopping...
  150. Importing post new nail... (11 comments)
  151. Importing post Office Lady...
  152. Importing post TST....wit sui mo..heheheee...
  153. Importing post 告別懶豪方... (2 comments)
  154. Importing post Girls gathering...
  155. Importing post 花墟... (3 comments)
  156. Importing post 今日全家去行街...
  157. Importing post 比豆貼中~_~... (1 comments)
  158. Importing post C doctor...
  159. Importing post 暴動呀...嚇死家長...
  160. Importing post 姊妹們要做"無力的小貓"... (5 comments)
  161. Importing post 好鬼凍...
  162. Importing post 被 tag 中了...
  163. Importing post Disneyland again... (3 comments)
  164. Importing post TST shopping for xmas present...
  165. Importing post Diamond earingssss...
  166. Importing post Shopping with SY...
  167. Importing post 我有一個月冇食雪糕喇~~... (6 comments)
  168. Importing post Met frn's B4 xmassss... (3 comments)
  169. Importing post xmas card from ahB... (1 comments)
  170. Importing post 「四眼雞丁」平安夜... (1 comments)
  171. Importing post 圍裙Party 2005... (3 comments)
  172. Importing post Boxing Day... (3 comments)
  173. Importing post dinner at ngan's family...
  174. Importing post Qoolala's birthday...
  175. Importing post SSP...
  176. Importing post Home dinner...
  177. Importing post BBQ at home...
  178. Importing post 壓力...
  179. Importing post CWBBBB...
  180. Importing post BB 快高長大!~~... (4 comments)
  181. Importing post peter home...
  182. Importing post 停工了的日記... (33 comments)
  183. Importing post 謝謝大家關心... (3 comments)
  184. Importing post 賀年新屎甲~~~Yeahhh... (12 comments)
  185. Importing post 好凍呀~~新年前出血日~~... (9 comments)
  186. Importing post 草菇小姐要電髮~~ahahaha... (6 comments)
  187. Importing post 團年飯局 II...
  188. Importing post 我係花后..kakkakaaaa... (7 comments)
  189. Importing post 和和鞋鞋... (5 comments)
  190. Importing post 齋鹵味~~... (7 comments)
  191. Importing post A email From BBKA... (1 comments)
  192. Importing post 團年飯局III... (10 comments)
  193. Importing post 團年飯局IV and 行花屎~~~年廿八... (4 comments)
  194. Importing post 發財大擋 part 1...
  195. Importing post 大年初一 + 發財大擋part 2...
  196. Importing post 大年初二... (4 comments)
  197. Importing post 大年初三--大件事... (11 comments)
  198. Importing post 年初四---開工大吉... (2 comments)
  199. Importing post 30 Q...
  200. Importing post 年初五--春田花花同學會...
  201. Importing post 年初六---拜年...
  202. Importing post 初七人日..... (1 comments)
  203. Importing post 真係勁想爆粗!!!...
  204. Importing post 失眠...
  205. Importing post 豆B~~~~ I miss U...
  206. Importing post BUZZYY DAY...SHOPPINGGGG!!!... (6 comments)
  207. Importing post mero...
  208. Importing post E臣E臣E臣E臣... (2 comments)
  209. Importing post Happy St.V day kiss kiss... (10 comments)
  210. Importing post 同Sy去左深記.hehehee...
  211. Importing post 古力三劍俠返來喇... (7 comments)
  212. Importing post $10 shop...
  213. Importing post late kin's BD party...
  214. Importing post 助養...
  215. Importing post din with claire...
  216. Importing post suki left jor la...
  217. Importing post SHopping with SY...
  218. Importing post Hi I am Luci...
  219. Importing post BBKA's BD party...
  220. Importing post 花墟買左花arr..yeahhhh...
  221. Importing post Oh, I am back...... (2 comments)
  222. Importing post 今日4000...
  223. Importing post 阿妹.....我好掛住你地呀...
  224. Importing post Busy SAT...
  225. Importing post 執屋日...
  226. Importing post BAD BAD BAD!!!...
  227. Importing post facial...
  228. Importing post fewell ching ching...
  229. Importing post celebrate abe's Bday...
  230. Importing post flower...
  231. Importing post mr chui...
  232. Importing post crazy shopping with SY...
  233. Importing post abe gloria din...
  234. Importing post 我終於有電話喇...
  235. Importing post LM 放血day...
  236. Importing post din with dou-B...
  237. Importing post din with claire...
  238. Importing post back china...
  239. Importing post little fat sheep...
  240. Importing post din with ber and SY...
  241. Importing post din with mom and DAD may E...
  242. Importing post 出動喇~~~... (3 comments)
  243. Importing post 在阿妹的日記看了.很有意思的... (7 comments)
  244. Importing post present from cato...
  245. Importing post 牛仔... (2 comments)
  246. Importing post 近照... (7 comments)
  247. Importing post OH my god....dim suen...
  248. Importing post Girllssss...
  249. Importing post ee...我覺得真係威borrr...
  250. Importing post SY-present THAI...
  251. Importing post 執到寶...
  252. Importing post 叫我愛馬士顏太..heheeee... (14 comments)
  253. Importing post 兩周年的白馬王子... (1 comments)
  254. Importing post 你決定+小肥肥日本豬旅DAY1... (5 comments)
  255. Importing post Dick 起心肝寫日記喇... (9 comments)
  256. Importing post My TC Green Apple... (5 comments)
  257. Importing post mother's day... (1 comments)
  258. Importing post 我又開始了... (7 comments)
  259. Importing post 終於完成任務了... (11 comments)
  260. Importing post look at this... (4 comments)
  261. Importing post a lonely 14th... (7 comments)
  262. Importing post 生日你勿Part one... (6 comments)
  263. Importing post First day in 梅菜島...
  264. Importing post 梅菜島 day 2...
  265. Importing post 梅菜島 day 3...heheeee...
  266. Importing post 梅菜島 day 4.......
  267. Importing post 梅菜島 day 5...I am back...... (1 comments)
  268. Importing post 大老細送的生日李勿...
  269. Importing post 小肥肥06生日爬地 part one...... (5 comments)
  270. Importing post 小肥肥06生日爬地 part two... (1 comments)
  271. Importing post Happy Birthday to 小肥肥2006... (3 comments)
  272. Importing post So many Presentsssss... (2 comments)
  273. Importing post Happy B day to Claire... (2 comments)
  274. Importing post Tracy 回來了..yeah yeah....... (2 comments)
  275. Importing post Story About 適應... (8 comments)
  276. Importing post 返大陸... (3 comments)
  277. Importing post Barcode Printer...
  278. Importing post 屋企的大傻和細傻...
  279. Importing post 留在大6的好處..... (4 comments)
  280. Importing post I love mushroom... (2 comments)
  281. Importing post 送別啞玲... (4 comments)
  282. Importing post I get so many new stuff in Dude today... (1 comments)
  283. Importing post Shopping with SY... (2 comments)
  284. Importing post Fashion Week... (7 comments)
  285. Importing post 突然覺得好岩feel....hahaha... (2 comments)
  286. Importing post 老公返來喇~~.yeah yeah... (4 comments)
  287. Importing post 吉豬島... (2 comments)
  288. Importing post dick 唔起心肝呀...
  289. Importing post shopping with SY and queenstallll... (1 comments)
  290. Importing post BB come back la......
  291. Importing post TST..BV bag...
  292. Importing post 為朋友仔做的生日禮... (5 comments)
  293. Importing post New Stuff...... (1 comments)
  294. Importing post I can't sleep last nigh...
  295. Importing post shopping with abe...
  296. Importing post hair cut...
  297. Importing post SY's birthday P... (11 comments)
  298. Importing post Hello Kitty Secret House... (2 comments)
  299. Importing post new house... (5 comments)
  300. Importing post 尖尖shopping day... (6 comments)
  301. Importing post hair cut... (19 comments)
  302. Importing post 草菇小姐... (8 comments)
  303. Importing post 河水不犯井水... (7 comments)
  304. Importing post Shopping day~~... (7 comments)
  305. Importing post A Story from Abe...
  306. Importing post mom's BD... (1 comments)
  307. Importing post Ber's BD......
  308. Importing post 我食足6餐.....-_-"... (2 comments)
  309. Importing post New Car~~~... (5 comments)
  310. Importing post Key......
  311. Importing post our common language... (6 comments)
  312. Importing post 難民....... (3 comments)
  313. Importing post Happy Birthday To my KING ~~~... (13 comments)
  314. Importing post Grasshopper~~~... (1 comments)
  315. Importing post 老人痴呆...part 1... (3 comments)
  316. Importing post EMily~~~劉太... (4 comments)
  317. Importing post OH my little Angel~~~... (4 comments)
  318. Importing post 手打烏冬... (20 comments)
  319. Importing post BBQ...cool~~~... (5 comments)
  320. Importing post 努力工作... (21 comments)
  321. Importing post 努力工作 Part 2... (15 comments)
  322. Importing post 自言自語... (17 comments)
  323. Importing post Enlarge...
  324. Importing post 10年零11個月記念日... (10 comments)
  325. Importing post Link...
  326. Importing post 老公回歸..yeah yeah... (5 comments)
  327. Importing post The Devil wears Prada... (2 comments)
  328. Importing post 出事喇~~~... (5 comments)
  329. Importing post 郊遊... (16 comments)
  330. Importing post Mini Birthday Party to dou B... (10 comments)
  331. Importing post MM仔整容... (1 comments)
  332. Importing post 別野計劃--Part one...... (7 comments)
  333. Importing post 好想知........ (67 comments)
  334. Importing post a-net change interface...
  335. Importing post BUSY day~~... (18 comments)
  336. Importing post 濕地公園Gathering...... (10 comments)
  337. Importing post Happy Birthday to my little Angel... (15 comments)
  338. Importing post 一口氣覆晒你地...hehe... (32 comments)
  339. Importing post CN...again........ (3 comments)
  340. Importing post Oscar Check Check Check........
  341. Importing post http://cbox.ws/?box=2338894...
  342. Importing post 做節... (3 comments)
  343. Importing post 回歸喇~~~... (5 comments)
  344. Importing post 寶貝計劃... (21 comments)
  345. Importing post http://www.myheritage.com... (13 comments)
  346. Importing post 國慶....遊車河...
  347. Importing post 風箏冇風...
  348. Importing post *___*... (5 comments)
  349. Importing post 收到喇~~~...
  350. Importing post 黑仔日....... (7 comments)
  351. Importing post 中秋節塊落..hahahaa... (18 comments)
  352. Importing post Busy busy..shopping shopping... (8 comments)
  353. Importing post 是日要優閑D....... (26 comments)
  354. Importing post 抱不平 part 2... (13 comments)
  355. Importing post 買布布布布....... (13 comments)
  356. Importing post 黃子華棟篤笑之兒童不宜... (9 comments)
  357. Importing post 準備禮物... (20 comments)
  358. Importing post 我們的11年... (21 comments)
  359. Importing post 訓,玩,食,訓,玩,食... (10 comments)
  360. Importing post 秋天...... (6 comments)
  361. Importing post JoLa big big big day... (7 comments)
  362. Importing post happy girls gathering... (5 comments)
  363. Importing post 艾利和歌利亞... (5 comments)
  364. Importing post happy dayyyyy..YoYo~~~... (12 comments)
  365. Importing post BB BB...快高長大... (23 comments)
  366. Importing post Relax........ (5 comments)
  367. Importing post BBQ...南乳雞翼... (15 comments)
  368. Importing post Newww DC... (3 comments)
  369. Importing post ber ber... (3 comments)
  370. Importing post IFC Mallllllllll... (8 comments)
  371. Importing post Yo~~~秋天到了... (4 comments)
  372. Importing post 失眠again... ... (8 comments)
  373. Importing post 我愛拖拖爐 ... (13 comments)
  374. Importing post BBQ..dee's BD...
  375. Importing post Disneyland x SiuMo BD yeah yeah~~... (15 comments)
  376. Importing post YBI...
  377. Importing post Chinaaaa... (8 comments)
  378. Importing post 顏色筆指定用品 Vol 1.... (5 comments)
  379. Importing post HK...
  380. Importing post GOGOGO...... (9 comments)
  381. Importing post -_-"執屋日... (10 comments)
  382. Importing post TCTCTC...
  383. Importing post 勁買布... (3 comments)
  384. Importing post MoMo and LoLo... (10 comments)
  385. Importing post 我和劉太的約會... (2 comments)
  386. Importing post 磨菇菇菇 mushroom-holic... (22 comments)
  387. Importing post 又一陳....老公回來了 ... (9 comments)
  388. Importing post 做個乖乖的老婆... (14 comments)
  389. Importing post Stay Home Knit Knit Knit ... (13 comments)
  390. Importing post BB,望過黎哩邊~~~笑 ... (12 comments)
  391. Importing post 提早celebrate 14th... (6 comments)
  392. Importing post 3個女人一個墟 ... (3 comments)
  393. Importing post 屎肥妹又去街... (7 comments)
  394. Importing post 金美小B生日快樂~~~... (11 comments)
  395. Importing post baby's daddy come back la... ... (11 comments)
  396. Importing post 一年一度o既馬交之旅Day 1... (3 comments)
  397. Importing post 馬交格爛鼻屎大菜2006... (3 comments)
  398. Importing post Mr. 3 min 三分鐘先生(Mr. 3 Minutes)... (5 comments)
  399. Importing post 返大6... (11 comments)
  400. Importing post Gmail...
  401. Importing post 小肥娟去小肥羊打邊爐... (1 comments)
  402. Importing post 《擁抱BB餵哺母乳健康講座》... (3 comments)
  403. Importing post Gloria House Warming... (5 comments)
  404. Importing post BB...^3^...
  405. Importing post 今日時間過得好慢(visit dr with dad)...
  406. Importing post X'mas Deco @ shop ... (2 comments)
  407. Importing post 搬屋搬廠搬寫字樓... (6 comments)
  408. Importing post Danny's wedding... (10 comments)
  409. Importing post Venus Ballet School... (4 comments)
  410. Importing post 棋哥的大日子... (4 comments)
  411. Importing post Shopping with JoJo... (7 comments)
  412. Importing post CWB shopping with Abe... (8 comments)
  413. Importing post 冲出屎世界...
  414. Importing post Jake Jake BD Party... (9 comments)
  415. Importing post Don come back la......
  416. Importing post Diane出書喇 support...
  417. Importing post E90 gathering again...
  418. Importing post a very very very BOOM Merry Christmassss ... (11 comments)
  419. Importing post Christmas EVE... (2 comments)
  420. Importing post Christmas Day...
  421. Importing post boxing day...
  422. Importing post Happy New Yearrrr... (4 comments)
  423. Importing post BOOM Busy 06 Christmassss... (4 comments)
  424. Importing post Agurmi...
  425. Importing post Boxing Date... (5 comments)
  426. Importing post 終於整好喇~~~... (18 comments)
  427. Importing post 一舊飯騰雞蠢媽媽... (17 comments)
  428. Importing post Q 之 吉野家... (10 comments)
  429. Importing post 不經不覺又一年了.........
  430. Importing post Yo Yo ~~baby baby... (25 comments)
  431. Importing post gut gut bag... (11 comments)
  432. Importing post BB 的英文名... (14 comments)
  433. Importing post BB stufffff...
  434. Importing post Prada bag...
  435. Importing post yuen's wedding...
  436. Importing post 影大肚子...
  437. Importing post knit knit for baby yeah...
  438. Importing post Happy Valentine's Day! 愛人節快樂~~... (14 comments)
  439. Importing post I am Back~~~... (24 comments)
  440. Importing post H & M...
  441. Importing post 無事忙 の 月記... (24 comments)
  442. Importing post 倒數十日...
  443. Importing post ...
  444. Importing post Baby In Car... (19 comments)
  445. Importing post 公主的新房... (14 comments)
  446. Importing post Portrait Studio... (17 comments)
  447. Importing post 你地會替bb做一本紀錄第一次的書仔嗎...
  448. Importing post MM3338...
  449. Importing post Hello Baby ~~... (12 comments)
  450. Importing post 小公主出左世啦!... (67 comments)
  451. Importing post Cassidy is just born...
  452. Importing post Yo yo baby... (20 comments)
  453. Importing post 爛訓豬... (6 comments)
  454. Importing post 我係小雲... (19 comments)
  455. Importing post 我同BB返左屋企喇~~~... (17 comments)
  456. Importing post 開始適應了... (20 comments)
  457. Importing post 餵人奶... (11 comments)
  458. Importing post 收身計劃~~~... (19 comments)
  459. Importing post 顏熹琳妹妹... (11 comments)
  460. Importing post 每日都好Busy 要錫錫熹琳好多淡~~~... (10 comments)
  461. Importing post 醜樣熹琳豬生奶癬...-_-""... (15 comments)
  462. Importing post A bathing bAby... (5 comments)
  463. Importing post 熹琳與玩具~~~... (12 comments)
  464. Importing post 熹琳滿月酒... (14 comments)
  465. Importing post 豆雞SiSi @ CN... (13 comments)
  466. Importing post 奶粉錢廣告時間...
  467. Importing post 我的第一個母親節... (7 comments)
  468. Importing post 母親節晚飯... (2 comments)
  469. Importing post Stay HK for 2 weekssss... (10 comments)
  470. Importing post 我的童裝王國夢想實施中... (6 comments)
  471. Importing post Baby's gathering... (3 comments)
  472. Importing post 兩個月大的Baby... (10 comments)
  473. Importing post 熹琳豬的工作證... (6 comments)
  474. Importing post 有冇勇氣追返上??... (5 comments)
  475. Importing post photooooo...
  476. Importing post baby's gathering...
  477. Importing post dinner with abe...
  478. Importing post cova cake...
  479. Importing post my BD...
  480. Importing post Update My Album... (3 comments)
  481. Importing post BabyCassidy多叻... (7 comments)
  482. Importing post 100 日... (10 comments)
  483. Importing post 努力加油... (5 comments)
  484. Importing post 戴假髮的baby... (5 comments)
  485. Importing post Yummy hello kitty... (5 comments)
  486. Importing post 比D泥美女顏大大小姐... (8 comments)
  487. Importing post Monchichi 抬起頭... (3 comments)
  488. Importing post 狂笑Baby part one... (4 comments)
  489. Importing post 咬咬咬~~...
  490. Importing post 約會顏熹琳... (8 comments)
  491. Importing post HeiLam?? Clok??... (16 comments)
  492. Importing post Heilam Chu 4個月大喇...
  493. Importing post Gathering with Siu Mo and friendsss...

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Gathering with Siu Mo and friendsss

今日約會熹琳的除了有各位EE and Suk Suk 之外,仲有Siu Mo arrr.......大個女左,高左,又靚左,仲多嘴左 小Mo 真係由細到大都甘可愛呢~~~

着靚靚準備出門口, 今日係雞肉湯EEsuksuk 送o既裙仔 and Abe EE 送o既鞋仔,Heilam 不停望住對新鞋仲腳仔yuk yuk tim~~~


由yati 姐姐凑住Heilam , 媽咪就去左TC 放左小小血

BB 你條底底真威水, 特價左都三百幾.............好似媽咪條神奇收肚底底甘貴


Heilam Chu 今晚十分乖乖~~~媽咪都有淡好食~~錫晒你

Friday, July 27, 2007

BAby baby

7月14日 Mami 和 Dadi 的11周年9個月紀念日

今天Gloria ee and Claire ee (hahahahaaa)來左同熹琳chu 反呢~~~

多謝gloria 同 claire 送o既生日李物,真係超鐘意

o係EE未到之前,我就歎返個靚靚電視劇先(呀囡同個老豆一樣,係超級電視迷) 呀囡,睇得電視多蠢蠢ga........



你有時個樣都幾女仔幾sweet ga

睇完TV就小睡片刻先, heilam chu 有個很怪的習慣,鐘意用紗巾蓋住塊面訓......真係驚驚地


Abe ee and Lok suk suk 都來左後來重一齊去左小金井食日本野~~好開心呢~~~

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

HeiLam?? Clok??

同大家玩個游戲~~以下張相邊個係HeiLam 邊個係Clok 呢?

估中Heilam chu 送你一個吻

Sunday, July 22, 2007


7月14日 Mami 和 Dadi 的11周年9個月紀念日

今天Gloria ee and Claire ee (hahahahaaa)來左同熹琳chu 反呢~~~

多謝gloria 同 claire 送o既生日李物,真係超鐘意

o係EE未到之前,我就歎返個靚靚電視劇先(呀囡同個老豆一樣,係超級電視迷) 呀囡,睇得電視多蠢蠢ga........



你有時個樣都幾女仔幾sweet ga

睇完TV就小睡片刻先, heilam chu 有個很怪的習慣,鐘意用紗巾蓋住塊面訓......真係驚驚地


Abe ee and Lok suk suk 都來左後來重一齊去左小金井食日本野~~好開心呢~~~


7 月 13 日

Heilam 由三個月兩星期開始識得捉實物件放入口,所以 QQ ee 送o既 Lion bite bite 就大派用場,加上係HLC (HLC = heilam chu ) 至愛色系(如 pink , red and orange) 佢就更加咬實唔放

不過,由於豬妹仲未控製到手仔,都係揸字個Lion bite bite 咬咬下就咬返自己拳頭..

Friday, July 20, 2007

狂笑Baby part one

狂笑Baby part one

Monchichi 抬起頭

今日開始,Monchichi 抬起頭做人喇~~唔再chi 住成舊飯甘

Birdie 姐姐送o既露背衫真係好fit 同埋好sexy arrrr

Wednesday, July 11, 2007


heilam o既第一套比D妮,係型到爆o既迷彩,唔明點解哩件2T(2歲)點解佢會岩lor...hahahahaaaa

睇完張相,我就會同大家講,我個囡真係好似我呀..............................................................................個肚皮, 除左D肚紋,我個肚o既形態同Heilam 九成似 <---------------苦笑我真係非常之唔夠時間用,日日都冇停過連星期日都返公司,返到屋企就8-12 熹琳豬時間,我諗我要返HK 抖一抖叉下電先得...Suki 放假返來了,日本Trip 就因為唐二小姐本passport過左期仲申請中搞到仲末comfirm, 我過到去都係大包細包手提袋 baby stuff 架喇.......................我o既heilam款肚皮着乜都唔cute 啦,越諗越想再大肚,甘就唔洗減住先,家陣同有左三個月根本冇分別 唉............如果唔係開刀我三年抱兩係最理想的

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Yummy hello kitty

傻豬熹琳,Hello Kitty 唔食得架..hehehheeee

Monday, July 09, 2007


Heilam o係一大班baby 群中,都會成為焦點,並唔係因為佢有咩特別之處,原因佢有一把好似Monchichi o既頭髮,通常D人第一次見到佢(甚至o係lift 度D 陌生人)都忍唔住 第一句: waa......BB 好多頭髮呀~~~第二句: 好得意呀~~(都唔知係咪真係覺得好得意) 有時就係甘,自己就緊係覺得自己個囡Q到爆啦,但係人地講就會覺得都唔知真定假

上個月o係屋企同Heilam影o既 Monchichi 着吊帶, anuty iris 送o既 sexy 吊帶裝,係有時會着到露 9 G ga.......


: daddy~~~媽咪襯你唔o係屋企迫我行石春路呀.................!!!!!!!!

Sunday, July 08, 2007


真係講都唔信呀,自從heilam出左世之後呢,我o既耐力真係比以前强,其實我大肚嗰時顏生己打算叫我收山o係屋企凑B B, 但係我發覺呢,生完係應該更努力去做,因為我想阿囡以後生活得好D,好似我 daddy 為我舖好條路,而家我行得好舒服, Heilam 大個都個有媽咪甘幸福

我用一星期, set up 左三個Online shop, 請大家拍掌


Thursday, July 05, 2007

100 日

Si Si o既第100日o係大陸渡過, 100日o既sisi,今日食左魚魚,佢仲食到唔停口~~

今日媽咪特登留係屋企同heilam玩,佢首表演一次食四隻手指,露完背再去裸泳,换左條新裙仔就去swing swing swing 喇~~~真係精彩的第100日


洗完白白换件新裙仔就去花園swing swing 喇~~


阿女個鼻孔似足佢Daddy, 大個一定好闊綽啦

Tuesday, July 03, 2007


搞左一排,我個 Baby Cassidy 多叻終於七七八八喇~~~大家埋黎睇埋黎簡下喇

Baby Si Si Closet
